Fascial Remodeling Massage

Fascia Remodeling Massage using Fascial Blasting Technique
A revolutionary method for body reshaping and combating cellulite.

Fascial remodeling massage using the Fascial Blasting technique is a revolutionary method for body remodeling and fighting cellulite through deep and highly effective massage, designed to improve the appearance of your skin.

This massage is specially designed to work directly on the fascia, the layer of connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs. Thus, the procedure provides results such as:

· smooth, healthy-looking skin

· improving blood circulation

· breaking down fat deposits, reducing the appearance of “orange peel”

· reduction of muscle and joint pain

· improving muscle contour on treated areas – buttocks, thighs, back & abdomen

With the help of the special device, our therapists will be able to perform a personalized body remodeling massage, adapted to your needs.

We begin each session by applying an oil specially designed to enhance the experience and maximize the benefits of therapy. Then, with gentle but firm movements, our therapists will work on the desired and affected areas, stimulating blood circulation to break down subcutaneous fat deposits, while activating the fascia which, when healthy, keeps the skin firm and smooth.

The healing process is gradual. Bruises may appear after the massage, they are nothing more than a signal that we are on the right track. Bruises tell a story about the state of your fascia, about tense and dysfunctional areas in your body. By repeating the procedure, the deep layers of fascia that were stiff and inflamed begin to relax and heal.

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